Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spid-AAAAAAAAAGH!! ... a dilemma.

AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!! I was looking at a potential apartment today, and had the awful misfortune to look through the window and see a brown huntsman spider (a.k.a. giant crab spider, a.k.a. terrifying spawn of utter repulsion a.k.a. get me out of heeeeeeeeere!) - five or six inches across and thoroughly disgusting. It was crowded up on the rail on which the typhoon shutter hangs - still outside of the apartment - but according to the article linked above, those things are so flat that they can get through tiny cracks and into your home... 

It's hard to think about living at an apartment after seeing something as vile as that spider, but apparently they're all over the island and EVERYone has to deal with them. To which I say, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! 

I seem to be repeating myself. I guess I was prepared, coming to this tropical island, to deal with snakes and bats and even cockroaches, but giant hideous spiders are an unwelcome surprise. What do you do with one when it gets into your house? How do you kill something so large? Do we need to get a dog? I think it's too large for a cat to handle - maybe a rottweiler or a doberman pinscher would do... something fierce but agile, because with all of those long legs the spiders are reportedly really fassssst...




So, here's the tradeoff

Spider (it's not a good photo - but trust me, you don't want a good photo - just understand that this thing is bigger than my hand - about six inches across):

View from the apartment:

Spider.... view.... spider.... view... you have to put up with the spider to get the incredible view. 

What to do? 

1 comment:

  1. Well... you're going to see these suckers regardless right? might as well have a good view.
    Maybe you can get one of the "trained detector dogs" they use at the airport for snakes, it might get spiders too... Or at least you could find out what kind they use and buy the same kind?
